So another Midwest Gaming Classic has come and gone. This was my second year going. I had a great time and got to play a bunch of fun games I wouldn't normally get a chance to check out. This year there were quite a few pinball machines. Seemed like a lot more than last year. I haven't played much pinball but whenever I get a chance to I tend not to pass it up. There are a couple of pins that I have always wanted to play, one such pin is Tales From The Crypt. I was a big fan of the TV show growing up. Even though I was rubbish at it I still had fun playing.
Aside from the arcade and pinball games I spent most of my time at the show in the museum area. This year they took over a few hotel rooms and filled them with different genres.
The import room was probably my favorite. I played some Famicom game with a little Jason dude, lots of fun. In the general museum area they had the standard consoles setup and a couple of uncommon ones.
Phillips CDI |
Neo Geo AES |
So heading into MGC I had planned to focus on building up my Dreamcast and Sega Saturn collection, but I just couldn't find anything I wanted for a reasonable price, especially Saturn games. I really can't believe how expensive they are with most decent titles being price at $20 + dollars. I wish I could find them a little cheaper. I guess I'll have to keep looking. I might have struck out on the DC & Saturn, but that was diffidently not the case for the NES, Genesis, & the N64. I didn't find anything rare, just games that had sentimental value or seemed interesting.
Finally I have Goldeneye |
Light gun game! |
Dynamite Headdy, another great game by Treasure. |
MGC 2013 was a blast. Met some cool people and gamed a lot. I can't wait until next year.